As part of Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), an international event taking place on the first Saturday of May every year, children staying on level 12 were left surprised after receiving a visit from Superman, Poison Ivy and Batman, as well as being given free comics, to celebrate the day.
A comic book fan himself, Rathan Yarlagadda, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Derriford Hospital,...
This week marks the first anniversary of the opening of our helipad, which was officially launched on Friday 5 June 2015, with its first ever landing of a Search and Rescue helicopter.
Previously Derriford Hospital did not have a recognised helipad and instead had a small grassed-over area adjacent to the Emergency Department, which had been used for some years as a set-down area for...
An occupational therapist from Plymouth has claimed the UK's first bronze medal in the powerlifting event at the Invictus Games in Orlando.
Sarah Claricoates, a former Petty Officer in the Royal Navy, now works in the Occupational Therapy Department at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. Competing in archery, swimming and powerlifting events, Sarah only tried the sport, which won her the...
Last month saw the grand opening of the new theatre training room in Main Theatres at Derriford Hospital.
After a £50,000 education grant from Karl Storz UK, state of the art audio-visual equipment has been installed in the new room, allowing healthcare professionals to receive a more hands-on interactive experience than ever before.
A physiotherapist at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust has been chosen to run for England for a second time in the International Attnanger Road Mile.
Mike Wilsmore is set to travel to Austria and compete in the race, taking place this Saturday 30th April. He will be joined by one other, chosen by England Athletics, to compete in the race alongside him.
Throughout Easter, staff on respiratory ward, Meldon, organised an Easter raffle to raise funds to purchase an activity box for patients staying on the ward.
In total, over £500.00 was raised and allowed the team to purchase arts and crafts, games, colouring books and much more to benefit those staying in hospital and to keep minds occupied.
This Sunday 17 April, 22 brave members of Derriford Hospital staff will be facing the daunting challenge of jumping from an aircraft flying at 15,000 feet, and diving through the air at over 120mph, whilst raising money and supporting our Gold Dust Appeal.
Sky Fletcher, a Pathology IT Technician at Derriford Hospital, has chosen to take part in the skydive because of her own personal...