
Patients give top marks to popular Plymouth hospital

Since March the team at Practice Plus Group Hospital Plymouth (formerly Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre) have constantly changed the way the hospital operates to support the local NHS trust and its patients through the pandemic while latterly reintroducing and maintaining elective (planned) treatment.

While there has been much change one thing has remained constant, and that is the...

Plymouth, Hospitals

Plymouth Hospitals Charity funds hospital garden transformation

lymouth Hospitals Charity has awarded £500 to help transform a small garden space at Rowan House. Healthcare Assistant, Judith Bywater has been busy brightening up a grey, concrete courtyard and is transforming it into a mini haven for staff and patients.

When the Pain Clinic and Dermatology moved over to Rowan House three years ago, the teams got together over a weekend to weed and...

Nuffield Health Plymouth Hospital to become an NHS orthopaedic surgical unit

Over 12,000 NHS patients have been seen at Nuffield Health Plymouth Hospital since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic - now the independent hospital is set to become an NHS orthopaedic surgical unit as it continues to support its local NHS Trust.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic Nuffield Health Plymouth Hospital has taken pressure off the NHS by providing additional capacity to treat...

BMI, Plymouth, Hospital

Hospital investment for even greater patient safety

A Plymouth hospital has invested in the latest cutting-edge technology to ensure even greater safety for patients attending an Outpatient Department appointment.

Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre has installed a multi-function M8 Healthcare Monitor machine. The very latest of its type, the machine can read a patient’s height, weight, pulse and blood pressure, and calculate their Body...

‘We’re open and we’re safe' - hospital doctors in Devon urge patients to attend appointments

People in Devon are being reassured there are extensive measures in place to keep them safe when attending hospital, as doctors urge patients to make sure they take up appointments.

Many services were suspended to free up beds and staff for COVID-19 patients, but as the number of cases falls across Devon and nationwide, hospitals in the county are increasing the number of urgent and...

Luxury food brand donates 4,500 tea bags to NHS staff battling COVID-19 at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Luxury food and beverage brand, Cartwright & Butler, has donated 4,500 English Breakfast tea bags and almost 50 boxes of biscuits to University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust.

With staff at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust are working tirelessly in the fight against COVID-19, the donations from Cartwright & Butler aim to not only boost the morale of the staff, but to...

New diagnostic service brings faster diagnosis for suspected cancer patients

Patients with suspected cancer of the colon or bowel can now have greater choice of where they have their diagnosis, thanks to the introduction of a two-week colon and endoscopy service at Peninsula NHS Treatment Centre.

The service has been introduced to ensure that more patients with suspected cancer do not need to wait unnecessarily for a diagnosis. They can be reassured and if it...

South West nurse takes safe staffing call to heart of government

Nursing staff took the voices of their colleagues and the public to the heart of the Westminster government yesterday, calling for urgent action to fix the nursing workforce crisis in England.

Vicky Brotherton, a senior ophthalmic nurse at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth, was among four nursing staff who went to Downing Street to hand in petitions totalling over 220,000 signatures...

University Hospitals Plymouth first in UK to get new Heart-Lung machines

Patients of Cardiothoracic Theatres in Plymouth are first in the UK to benefit from new high-tech heart-lung machines following a wider £4million investment in cardiothoracic surgery over 10 years.

Five new ‘Quantum heart-lung machines’ will mean improved safety for patients undergoing heart surgery.

Heart-lung machines (or cardiopulmonary bypass machines) take over the work...

Plastic bags swapped as hospital pharmacy goes green

The Pharmacy team at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust have got together to banish plastic bags used for patients to carry medicines home from hospital.

Instead, new recyclable paper bags are being used for patients’ medicines, which will replace the single-use plastic bags.

The initiative came from a staff suggestion at a team ‘improvement huddle’ which aims to make...
