
Patients work together with hospital help to improve standards

Earlier this year, a team of patient representatives undertook their annual inspection of Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, in order to assess the quality of the patient environment.

Now, the results released by the NHS Commissioning Board today show that the hospital has improved in all of the measured areas, therefore supporting the value of taking on-board patient feedback.


Fertility experts to host open day in Plymouth

Next week, fertility specialists from the South West Centre for Reproductive Medicine (SWCRM), based in Derriford Hospital, will host an open evening, aimed at those who are thinking of starting a family but who have concerns or worries about their fertility.

As well as providing advice and guidance on a range of options, including lifestyle changes and fertility treatments, our...

MRI Play Scanner helps to alleviate stress for children

Going into hospital can be very daunting, especially for children. Thanks to the Charitable Funds Committee, a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) play scanner is now available on Derriford Hospital's children’s wards, to prepare children for their MRI scans in a far less daunting environment.

Located on the children’s wards on level 12, the play scanner is used by our Play Specialist...

Calling all beauty consultants

National charity, Look Good Feel Better, is in urgent need of Beauty trained volunteers to help run their Workshops for women with cancer in Plymouth

Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) is a charity that provides practical advice for women and teenagers struggling with the visible side effects of cancer treatment. Their confidence boosting skincare and make-up Workshops and Masterclasses are...

Hospital staffing project team shortlisted for national award

Safer Staffing and HealthRoster teams Our Safer Staffing and HealthRoster teams at Derriford Hospital have been shortlisted as finalists in the Healthcare People Management Association (HPMA) Awards for the ‘Capsticks Award for Innovation in HR’ category.

This award recognises a cutting edge, creative initiative within any sphere of HR management that has led to improved practice. The...

Therapy Dog Henry’s a hit on Hartor

Patients and visitors to Derriford Hospital have been receiving a welcome of a different kind from a recent recruit to the Hartor ward team.

Henry, an 11 year-old Golden Retriever, has been visiting patients on the healthcare of the elderly ward to help with their treatment and recovery.

“We were told that Henry is part of the staff on the ward here right away,” said Gerald...

Bowel Cancer West teams up to refurbish Colorectal Outpatient room

Nurses from the Stoma Care Department have been joined by charity staff to mark the opening of a newly refurbished patient room at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust.

Bowel Cancer West (BCW) and ConvaTec, a medical products and technologies company, have helped fund the make-over which now sees the room kitted out with two new sofas, a TV for training purposes, storage cupboards for patient...

Healthy eating delivery app launched at Derriford Hospital

Cornwall’s oldest bakery takes a fresh approach to hospital nutrition with the launch of a healthy menu delivery app for Derriford Hospital, the first of its kind, intended to offer much needed convenience for the medical team and support staff working in the hospital daily.

The new app, “Fresh From Warrens On the Go” is set to make meal times even easier for staff at Derriford...

Hospital staff celebrate Making Mealtimes Matter 2017

As part of our Making Mealtimes Matter 2017 campaign (13-17 March), patients, visitors, staff and members of the public have had the opportunity to sample some of Derriford Hospital's patient food and talk to hospital staff about aspects of nutrition and hydration in the main concourse.

Following on from last year’s success, the event showcases some of the work going on around the...

National lead, Professor Tim Briggs, visits Plymouth

Staff from Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust welcomed leading Orthopaedic Surgeon and National Director at NHS Improvement (NHSI) for Clinical Quality and Efficiency, Professor Tim Briggs, to Plymouth to talk about his national programme on Monday (20 February).

This programme is called Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT), which seeks to tackle ‘unwarranted variation’ across the NHS....
