New research has found that while nearly a third of Brits say cheese is one of their favourite foods, almost a quarter of Brits have avoided eating cheese for fear it’ll give them nightmares or vivid dreams. Out of people who reported they’ve had vivid dreams or nightmares after eating cheese, 70% said it was cheddar they’d been eating, 40% said Mozzarella and 35% said Brie.
Are you the owner of a restaurant or pub in the South West? Maybe you run a café or tea room or perhaps you have a desirable farm shop or delicatessen? Whatever your line of business, if it’s in the food and drink industry, don’t miss out, enter Taste of the West’s ‘Hospitality & Retail Awards’ now. To ensure everyone has time to be included in these highly regarded awards, the deadline...
Unless you are lactose intolerant, you most likely adore cheese, because you would have to be crazy not to. If you know a special someone who is a big fan of cheese, there are so many gifts you can consider, which are ideal for birthdays, Christmases and everything in-between.
Luxury Cheese Hampers
Nothing screams sophistication quite like luxury cheese hampers , which have...