Plans to curb street drinking
Residents in the Stonehouse area being asked what they think about a police request for new powers to tackle the anti-social street drinking.
The Council’s Licensing Committee has given the go-ahead for a public consultation on a Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) covering Marlborough Street, Devonport and surrounding area. The area would extend from Mount Wise waterfront up to Blockhouse Park.
If granted, the order would not lead to a complete ban on drinking in the parks, but would enable the police to ask people to stop drinking where alcohol-related nuisance is likely.
Anyone refusing to comply would be committing an offence and could face arrest and a fine of up to £500.
Councillor Brian Vincent, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “This is not about spoiling the enjoyment of people would may be having a glass or two of wine in the park who are clearly not going to be a nuisance to those around them.
“The police are asking for these powers to prevent problems caused by street drinkers who openly drink large quantities of alcohol, cause a noise nuisance and intimidate other people. The order would enable officers to intervene and prevent problems escalating into criminal offences.”
The public consultation starts on Thursday 15 May when full details will be available on the Council’s website www.plymouth.gov.uk/dppodevonport and at First Stop reception at the Civic Centre. The consultation will continue until 30 June
The Council will also leaflet every household and business in the area. The information pack will also be available at St Aubyn Library in Chapel Street, Welcome Hall, Fore St and Devonport Guildhall in Ker Street.