Wetter weather earlier in the year followed by warmer, sunnier spells this month in Devon may make pets and people more prone to ticks when walking in woodlands or long vegetation, Public Health Devon warn .
“Ticks thrive in warmer weather and in lush vegetation,” says Steve Brown, Director of Public Health Devon. “And with warmer weather and people taking to the outdoors for...
People across Plymouth are being warned about the potentially life-threatening dangers of ticks and fleas this summer.
Walkers, gardeners and anyone enjoying the city’s green spaces are advised by experts to take extra care in preparing themselves against the sometimes harmful creepy crawlies.
Fleas and ticks attach themselves to people and pets, can quickly infest a home,...
As the summer months return and people spend more time enjoying the countryside, Public Health experts in Devon are encouraging the public to be ‘tick aware’.
Ticks are small spider-like creatures that feed on the blood of animals, including people. They are found in woodland, grassland and moorland where there is a dense vegetation layer and can be found in some urban parks and...
The Met Office has predicted that temperatures will rise above 20C during the first weeks of October, making for one of the warmest autumns in recent years. However, according to experts, this also means that the tick season will be longer than usual with the tiny parasites more likely to continue breeding and feeding in the UK’s grassland and wooded areas.