Developers debate Plymouth's future blueprint
Builders, developers, architects and businessmen from across Plymouth and the South West will be working on a different kind of blueprint at an event to plan the future of the city and change it for the better.
The event at the Council House on Tuesday 5 March has been organised by the Plymouth Branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Plymouth City Council, and is designed to spark debate and discussion that will contribute towards the emerging ‘Plymouth Plan’.
The Plymouth Plan is a strategic document that will set out the direction the city will follow until 2031, looking at the big picture themes that affect every single person in Plymouth every day.
The event is aimed primarily at people interested in investing and developing the city, as well as local community groups, although everyone is welcome.
Discussions will explore how development and regeneration of the city can play a role in delivering its vision, encompassing everything from planning to housing to moving around the city. Topics likely to be covered on the night include living and housing, transport, greener Plymouth, planning policy, arts and culture, prosperity and affordability, tourism, city pride and identity.
Guests will hear talks from influential city leaders in the fields of growth, regeneration and planning during the first part of the event and can take part in a ‘Question Time’ session for the second part of the evening. Guests will then have the opportunity to network in an open informal session at the end of the evening, where they can continue the debate on the Plymouth Plan Sofa.
VIPs at the event will include: Councillor Tudor Evans, Council Leader; Anthony Clerici, RIBA Vice President, Nations and Regions; Isabel Allen, Director of HAB Housing; Professor Julian Beer, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Regional Enterprise) Office of Vice Chancellor Plymouth University, Tim Jones, Chairman of the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership and Paul Barnard, Assistant Director for Planning Services for Plymouth City Council.
The event is free, although booking essential. However for those wanting to watch from the comfort of their own home, it will also be broadcast live online at http://www.plymouth.public-i.tv/core/
The Plymouth Plan consultation will culminate in a convention in June, over a number of weeks, featuring events, exhibitions and films, all with the aim of getting everyone talking and getting involved – whatever their age, backgrounds or interests.
For more information or to book your place call 0844 800 2767 or email riba.southwest@riba.org
Or for more information about the Plymouth Plan and how to contribute please visit www.plymouth.gov.uk/plymouthplan or email planningpolicy@plymouth.gov.uk.
Date: Tuesday 5 March
Venue: The Council House, Plymouth
Time: 5pm