Don't face you troubles alone...
Most people feel worried, low, fearful or distressed at some time in their lives and these feelings often appear heightened at during the festive period.
Money or health worries, loneliness, or family tensions, don’t simply disappear just because it’s Christmas. In fact, these stresses can be worse at this time of year.
The hype associated with Christmas and New Year can make it truly miserable for many people. The shops are full of gifts, and social media is packed with pictures of people partying, or playing happy families, but for the vast majority of people, their experience of Christmas – whether they celebrate it or not - is very different.
One in four people cope with depression or feeling low at some point in their lives, but help is on hand from Plymouth Options, a self-referral service run by Plymouth Community Healthcare.
Plymouth Options helps people throughout the City with mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or even phobias and OCD. There is no need to visit your GP first; you can self-refer into Plymouth Options by either contacting them by telephone or downloading a self-referral form from their website.
Jo Thompson, from Plymouth Options said: “Every single person feels low at some time in their lives, but you don’t have to suffer in silence and face your troubles alone. At Plymouth Options we use a variety of tried and tested methods to help people talk about their problems and find a realistic and workable solution.
“We want to encourage people to refer themselves for help, before they even consider going to their GP for medication. Unfortunately there is a real stigma around mental health issues, which can delay people seeking the help they need.
“If you are feeling low or anxious and would like to talk it out, or if you have a close friend or family member you know would benefit from our services, please get in touch with Plymouth Options where help is on hand.”
Over the coming months Plymouth Options will be raising awareness of its talking therapy services in order to help the people of Plymouth talk it out and get the help they need.
To access Plymouth Options call 01752 435419 or go online and fill out the self-referral form: http://www.plymouthcommunityhealthcare.co.uk/services/plymouth-options