Views sought on school admission arrangements
Plymouth City Council is asking people what they think of its proposed admission arrangements for entry to schools in September 2017.
Anyone with an interest in school admissions is invited to make a response to the consultation.
Comments are needed on:
• admission numbers for all schools
• key dates in the admissions process
• admission arrangements for all of the schools taking part in the consultation
Councillor Sue McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Public health said: “It’s absolutely essential that we consult on admissions arrangements every year and we would always encourage residents to give us their views. Schools are such an important part of this city and I hope as many people as possible will take the time to read the consultation document and let us have their views. The responses to this consultation are important as they will help us provide the admissions arrangements which meet the needs of as many people as possible."
Information and details about the proposed arrangements are available on the Plymouth City Council website or from the School Admissions Team.
The closing date for the consultation is Sunday 24 January 2016 and any comments should be submitted online using the form available at www.plymouth.gov.uk/admissionconsultation.
Comments can also be submitted in writing to: School Admissions Consultation, Learning and Communities, Plymouth City Council, Windsor House, Tavistock Road, Plymouth PL6 5UF or by email to schoolconsultations@plymouth.gov.uk by that date.