Mice on Skates
Grabbing cheese is not as easy as it used to be; cats are definitely getting faster! Then one day two ingenious mice discover that putting wheels on your feet makes you unstoppable… literally! Pretty soon they’re off, whizzing round Europe, showing off their skating tricks and sampling undiscovered cheeses as they go. But what new cheese could be as good as home cheese?
Adapted from the original story by Sylvia Hunt, Mice on Skates features delightful puppets created by puppet maestro Marc Parrett (former Artistic Director of Stuff and Nonsense Theatre Company) Mice on Skates is about friendship and adventure and is chock full of songs, surprises… and CHEESE!
Post Show Q&A: Wed 18 Feb (first performance)
Recommended for: everyone aged 2+
Running Time: 45mins (approx)