Bite Size: The Infinite Crossroads
With Dr Alan Butler, University of Plymouth, as part of the Kehinde Wiley exhibition Ship of Fools
“Confined on the ship, from which there is no escape, the madman is delivered to the river with its thousand arms, the sea with its thousand roads, to that great uncertainty external to everything. He is a prisoner in the midst of what is the freest, the openest of routes: bound fast at the infinite crossroads”. Michel Foucault, Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.
Young men today are awash in a sea of identities. As language and imagery endeavour to skew and queer hegemonic assumptions about what makes us who we are in terms of heritage and identity, the still watching panopticon continues to encourage notions which both limit and restrain the next generation. Through this talk, Dr Butler will explore these ideas in relation to both the exhibition and several communities in the city of Plymouth today.
Alan Butler is a research fellow and associate lecturer in the School of Humanities and Performing Arts, whilst managing the University's heritage and community outreach initiative, Cornerstone Praxis. He is a Director of Pride in Plymouth and created and curates their ongoing Plymouth LGBT Community Archive project.
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