Exhibition: Ula Dajerling, Dark Materialism
Dark Materialism is the first solo exhibition by London-based artist Ula Dajerling. Her new and recent sculptures are presented in the gallery as well as a commissioned installation.
For Dajerling, the actions involved in producing her sculptures are significant. Her exploration of form and the transformation of matter from one state to another are central to her process. The qualities of objects, such as negative space and weight, provide physical substance to her ideas. The artist’s primary interest with form is that which resembles nothing - ‘formless’. She uses formless to refer to the base materials that constitute all living beings as well as unfathomable concepts such as the primordial chaos.
Repeatedly Dajerling employs heating and cooling in the making of her sculptures, procedures that reflect both natural phenomena and industrial systems for extracting and utilising raw materials. The amorphous sculptures that emerge embody the artist’s process and her concerns. The carefully selected objects, materials and methods reveal an important subtext; their role in social and economic history,
as products or by-products of human production informs the work.
Embedded in the actions and materials are personal histories. To create the sculpture Amnesia and Oscillation, Dajerling reenacted a fortune telling ritual still used in her Polish homeland today, which
involves pouring hot wax into cold water. The shapes that emerge are used to predict the unpredictable and illuminate that which has not yet formed.
Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am-8.30pm, Sunday 4pm-8.30pm.
Tel: 01752 206114