PAC Home Talk: Gordon Dalton
Gordon Dalton is an artist, writer and curator. He is Project Manager for Art Across The City, Swansea, commissioning public at projects. He also runs Mermaid & Monster, curating and writing about art. He has curated and managed projects for artists including Olaf Breuning, Joanne Tatham & Tom O'Sullivan, Merlin James, Richard Deacon, David Blandy, Marjetica Potrc, Yelena Popova, Peter Liversidge, Jacob Dahlgren, Juneau Projects and Helen Sear.
He has shown his work internationally with exhibitions at venues including Bank, Los Angeles; Galerie Skuc, Llubjiana; Collective Gallery, Edinburgh; Chapter, Cardiff; Moravian Gallery, Brno; CAC, Vilnius; Castlefield, Manchester; Moot, Nottingham; Aid & Abet, Cambridge; MOT; London; Motorcade FlashParade, Bristol; Cynthia Broan, New York; NGCA, Sunderland and G39, Cardiff.
He has written essays and reviews for various publications, galleries and websites including Flash Art; Contemporary Magazine; AN; Axis; Turning Point West Midlands; Chapter; Western Mail, Metro, CCQ, Fruitmarket Gallery and International 3.
He occasionally, sort of, collaborates with artist S Mark Gubb on projects including a pilgramage to Evel Knieval's failed attempt at jumping Snake River Canyon; taking Napalm Death to the Antartica or recreating iconic scenes from Weird Science. They are old enough to know better. This still hasn't stopped them.
Gordon will talk about his practice and previous projects. Please book in advance in person or by calling the box office on 01752 206114.
Free for PAC Home members, £3 for non-members. More details: www.plymouthartscentre.org