Lunchtime Talk: Peter Randall-Page

Authored by Mary
Posted: Friday, February 28, 2014 - 16:10

Listen as internationally recognised artist and sculptor, Peter Randall-Page gives an illustrated talk about his work over the last 30 years. We will be staging a partnership exhibition with Peninsula Arts, Plymouth University called 'Peter Randall-Page: New Sculpture and Works on Paper' from 1 February to 10 May 2014 - Peter's first major exhibition in the region for twenty five years.

£2 per person (unless stated otherwise). Advance booking and payment are essential via the City Museum and Art Gallery's Welcome Desk. Payment can be made by cash or cheque - sorry, no credit cards.

The talk starts at 1.10pm and lasts for up to 45 minutes.

For the enjoyment of all attendees we will not admit latecomers if the gallery is full or very busy. If you wish to get a particular seat please turn up in plenty of time. 

For more information and enquiries please call us on 01752 304774.

Event Date

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 13:00


Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery, Drake Circus, Plymouth


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