A Londoner by upbringing, I have lived in or near Exeter since 1975. I have published ten books of poetry as Richard Skinner (including Colliding With God [Wild Goose 2016], and A brief poetry of time [Oversteps 2017]), and two previous works of fiction as R.N.F. Skinner (the novel Still Crazy…[SilverWood 2020] and a collection of short stories and comedy scripts After All…[SilverWood 2022]). A novella, These Years:1973 will be published in June 2024. I am a scientist through education, a writer by inclination, and a mental health worker (now retired) for remuneration. While an undergraduate at Cambridge University, I was a member of the famous Footlights club, and I still write and perform sketch-based comedy.
Content by rnfskinner
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New book from Devon poet and novelist | 31/05/2024 - 16:17 |