
Woman rescued from rubble 17 days after Bangladesh factory disaster

A woman has been rescued from the rubble of a building in Dhaka in Bangladesh 17 days after it collapsed.

The woman, named Reshma, is reported to have no serious injuries. The fire service report that she was discovered in the remains of the second floor of the eight storey building, the Rana Plaza.

The army report that more than 1,000 people lost their lives in the tragedy...

Woman in her 60s robbed outside Plympton Library

A woman in her 60s was robbed of her purse outside Plympton Library yesterday.

Detectives are keen to hear from any witnesses to the street robbery that took place on the Ridgeway in Plympton yesterday – Wednesday 24 April – at around 5.10pm.

The woman was near to the entrance of Plympton library when a young man approached her, pushed her, then grabbed the purse that she was...

Plymouth entrepreneur urges businesses to be more open minded

A Plymouth business woman, who created one of the UK’s most successful elearning companies, is urging employers to be open-minded about the skills need to be successful in technology.

Louise Pasterfield, owner of award-winning online learning business, Sponge UK, will be sharing her personal story of moving from fine art to technology at the Digital Plymouth Conference at Plymouth...
