The Levinsky Gallery

Performance: Silva and Adachi

Sound poets Tomomi Adachi and Hannah Silva join forces, presenting Pluto is a Planet! in which they literarily play the shirts off their backs, using gesture and infrared sensors to process their voices live. Silva performs tracks from her acclaimed debut album Talk in a bit and Adachi presents an extraordinary selection of sound poetry, from Japanese dada to his own soaring and percussive vocal compositions.

Date: Wednesday 24 Oct Time: 19:30 Ticket information: £10/£7, UoP students free via SPiA

Performance: The Rising

The Rising is an empowering highly charged double bill of dance and live music. It explores what makes people feel alive, using influences of Fijian culture and ideas of community, vulnerability and surrender.

Featuring original compositions by multi award-winning musicians Will McNicol & Luke Selby, dramaturgy by Chris Fogg and lighting design by Tim Hardy.

HeatherWalrondCompany is a professional contemporary dance company based in Devon. It is supported by Arts Council England and led by Choreographer & Artistic Director Heather Richmond.

“Raw energy, fury...

Film: Brief Encounter (1945)

Brief Encounter is one of the greatest films of love found and love lost. In a cafe at a railway station, housewife Laura Jesson meets Dr. Alec Harvey. Although they are already married, they gradually fall in love with each other. They continue to meet every Thursday in the small cafe, although they know that their love is impossible.

Heart- warming and tragic, it is a film that continues to endure, depicting a doomed couple's illicit connection with affecting sensitivity and a pair of powerful performances. Often discussed and rarely seen on the big screen – it will leave a...

Music: Decoding Life with Ensemblebash

Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research

Join the phenomenal percussion group ensemblebash for the premiere of extraordinary new music by ICCMR composers, Alexis Kirke, Marcelo Gimenes and Eduardo R. Miranda, and music technology pioneer, Archer Endrich.

Arecibo - Alexis Kirke Babbling Baobab - Marcelo Gimenes Miranda - Archer Endrich Artibiotics - Eduardo R. Miranda

The concert proposes an evening of musical allusions to human endeavours to understand, modify, simulate and even create life. Whereas Endrich drew inspiration from cosmic vibrations to...

Music: Peninsula Doctors’ Orchestra Concert

Part of University of Plymouth Music Week 2018

A concert to entertain the family, this annual gathering of the Peninsula Doctors’ Orchestra invites you to share their musical enjoyment. Parting donations welcome in aid of the University of Plymouth Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence, which raises vital funds for research into the prevention and treatment of brain tumours.

Date: Sunday 7 Oct Time: 18:00 Ticket information: Free admission, booking advised

Music: Dr Robert Taub: Music – A Multi-Dimensional Continuum

An Informal Talk and Performance

Music is all around us; music knows no linguistic or geopolitical boundaries; music moves us all. Music is often spontaneous, but some compositions are carefully crafted with deep thought about every exquisite detail. We can all sing and whistle, but music has also been wedded to technology for thousands of years. And while all music proceeds in time, there are works in which such a continuum is multi-dimensional.

An acclaimed pianist known for his interpretations of Beethoven and new music, Dr Robert Taub, new Music Director of The Arts...

Talk: The Coaching Inn in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World

Having visited and surveyed hundreds of historic inns across the British Isles, Jamaica, the United States and Canada, over the last three years, for a major Leverhulme Trust-funded research project, the University of Plymouth’s Professor Dan Maudlin presents an illustrated insight to the inns he studied in America. He examines the British Atlantic world in this location through the building, occupation, and varied uses of these vital spaces for early modern travellers.

As an architectural historian, Prof Maudlin is interested in the relationship between design and the spaces and...

Talk and Film: 1745 (2017)

When two young black slaves escape into the wilds of 18th-century Scotland, they must use all of their courage and strength to survive, unite, and stay free. 1745 highlights a forgotten part of Scotland’s history: while Scotland was fighting for its national freedom in that fateful year, its economy was in large part founded on the booming colonial slave trade. While the majority of slavery happened elsewhere - off-stage, across the Atlantic - there were African slaves in the UK, kept as trophies and pets in the houses of their rich merchant masters.

1745 was inspired by...

Talk: Making Waves: Black Artists & Black Art in Britain From 1963 – 1982

Dr Elizabeth Robles uncovers and interprets a crucial period in the fractured and unfinished history of black artists in Britain and British art by tracing the history of African and Asian artists in Britain between the 1st Commonwealth Biennale (1963) and the 1st National Black Art Convention (1982). In doing so, she will discuss the development of discourses around the implications of and possibilities for ‘Black Art’ in Britain.

Dr Robles is a researcher and teacher in History of Art at the University of Bristol. Her research encompasses an art historical reassessment of artists...

Film: Joe Bullet (1973)

Louis de Witt's South African Blaxploitation crime film was one of the first films in the country to feature an all-black cast. In 1973, South Africa was in the grips of apartheid and after just two public screenings the film was banned by the government and not seen again for over forty years.

The film tells the story of a mysterious gangster who starts sabotaging soccer team The Eagles' chance at winning the upcoming championship final. In the criminal underworld of soccer, only our eponymous hero Joe Bullet can save the championship.

Director: Louis de Witt...
