Royal William Yard springs into action on Sunday 2 April for the return of the Good Food Market. Not only will the market showcase some of the best food and drink that the South West has to offer, there’s also fun for the whole family with the Horizons Charity Egg-squisite Easter egg hunt. Over 60 regular stallholders from across Devon and Cornwall, including The Olive Branch, and award winning...
After last year’s success, SSG Training and Consultancy organised a second annual Easter Egg donation for local children’s charity CHICKS (Country Holidays for Inner City Kids). CHICKS provides free, life changing respite breaks for disadvantaged children from all over the UK with centres in Devon, Cornwall and Derbyshire.
SSG team members and course delegates donated over 70 Easter...
The Met Office has issued a weather warning for the Easter weekend.
High winds are expected to affect Devon on Saturday with gusts of 40-50mph in some inland areas, possibly topping 60mph across exposed coasts and hills.
The strong winds will be accompanied by heavy rain at times.
Join in the Mammal Society’s annual hunt for Easter Bunnies and Mad March Hares this Easter weekend. The Mammal Society is appealing for the public to record sightings of rabbits and hares and help target conservation efforts in the UK.
Both rabbits and hares are a regular sight in the countryside and are relatively easy to spot compared with many other mammals.
The RAC Breakdown Cover team is warning anyone planning to getaway this Easter to expect a long ‘Bad’ Friday on the roads as over five million motorists take to their cars for some well-earned time away.
RAC Traffic Watch data shows a total of 16.8m car journeys will be made over the Easter weekend as people make the most of the long weekend visiting family and friends or enjoying a...
Young people across the UK will to continue to benefit from lower bus fares after Stagecoach extended a national offer.
Following the successful introduction of a £2 Dayrider ticket for under 19s, the offer has been extended for a further six weeks to allow young people to benefit over the Easter period. More than 300,000 tickets offering unlimited travel within local regions were sold...
A generation of children are growing up without experiencing simple pleasures such as splashing in puddles or mud, building a sandcastle - or even making daisy chains, a study has revealed. Researchers found a whole range of traditional nature activities could soon become a thing of the past as children spend their spare time playing computer games, watching TV or just hanging out with friends...
Hugs from Henry have generously donated 150 Easter eggs to the children’s wards at Derriford Hospital.
After appealing to the public, a total of 600 eggs were donated, which will be shared between Derriford Hospital, Jeremiahs Journey, Children's Hospice South West, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and CLIC Sargent, Homes from Home.
Devon and Cornwall Police are fully prepared to prevent and disrupt any illegal rave activity across the two counties over the Easter holiday.
During the spring and summer Devon and Cornwall can be vulnerable to illegal raves, such as the problems encountered in recent years at Bellever and Davidstow.
Each year police have to remove a number of illegal raves which diverts...