Crowdfunder, the UK’s No 1 crowdfunding platform, is set to revolutionise UK community funding as it launches its first community share offer in partnership with The Community Share Company.
The Community Shares Company has worked on some of the most-high profile British community share offers to date including Hastings Pier, the first ever UK charity to issue community shares....
Join in the family fun at the annual Holbefun event at Battisborough Cross, just above Mothecombe beach. This free event promises family fun, full of entertainment, activities, music, world food and laughter. The day is centred around a fun competitive team assault course for both children and adults called The Gauntlet.
Come along to a Spring Fair with a musical theme being staged in North Prospect on Saturday (April 18) and herald the season with sound.
The event, organised by Plymouth Community Homes (PCH), hopes to encourage new visitors to the neighbourhood, highlight musical opportunities in the city and showcase some of the opportunities now available in North Prospect as it undergoes...
New contracts have been awarded to improve care for people in Plymouthwho require care at home.
Plymouth City Council is working together with NHS Northern, Eastern, Western (NEW) Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to drive up standards in domiciliary care.
Under the new contracts, which incorporate home care, rapid response, dementia support and integration with health...
Residents in Plymouth who need care and support will be affected by changes in Government legislation.
The Care Act 2014, which comes into effect in April 2015, brings new duties for local authorities, along with new rights for both service users and carers.
Under the Care Act, people will be entitled to an assessment for their care and support needs, as will their carers. In...
A share of £100,000 is up for grabs as part of a new community energy competition launched today by Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Edward Davey.
Community groups and other eligible organisations across England are invited to apply for the funding to develop innovative energy-saving ideas that could help slash energy bills.
The Mount Batten Watersports and Activities Centre celebrated its 15th anniversary at the weekend.
Opened in 1999, the not-for-profit Mount Batten Centre is one of the largest activity centres in the UK.
The centre has welcomed thousands through its doors over the last 15 years and has trained, educated and provided lots of fun and laughter on both water and on land.
Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Hogg has begun a consultation process which will see communities across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly set their own list of restorative sanctions for low level offences.
Mr Hogg is asking individuals and organisations across the peninsula to take part in the survey on a new Government initiative, the Community Remedy, which will give victims...
NHS healthcare commissioners in Devon want to hear from the public after they published a proposed framework to ensure services are right for the future.
The publication of the report, ‘Integrated, personal and sustainable; community services for the 21st century’ comes after 12-months of discussions with public, clinical and professional communities about what patients really need....
Plymouth is set to invest just over £11 million into six new contracts to provide much-loved community-based services for 0-five year olds from children’s centres across the city.
A report to Cabinet yeseterday explained how this investment will prompt new working arrangements that will mean more joined up services with health and other providers so that families with young children...