Devon residents saving thousands on their heating oil
Members of a scheme to tackle rising energy prices have saved a staggering £23,000 off the cost of their domestic heating oil, this year.
Devon County Council says it’s a great example of communities working together to get a better deal on their heating bills.
The Devon Oil Collective works on the principle of buying heating oil in bulk through consolidating its members’ orders and placing them monthly through a dedicated broker who negotiates the best possible price on their behalf.
Typically members are obtaining oil prices 4.67 pence per litre cheaper than the average oil price each month; £46.71 saved for every 1,000 litres of oil ordered.
Members this year have ordered nearly 537,000 litres of heating oil, across 737 individual orders.
The scheme is run by local charity Community Council of Devon as a not-for-profit initiative and is backed by Devon County Council.
It aims to tackle fuel poverty in Devon’s rural communities and membership is open to individual residents, community groups and organisations.
Project Manager, Greg Davies, said: “At a time when 10 per cent of households in Devon are classified as in fuel poverty, it’s important that schemes such as the Devon Oil Collective exist to help ease the burden. Energy costs have rocketed and many people are facing tough decisions such as having to choose between eating and heating.
“By bringing together oil orders from individuals and organisations from right across Devon, we are able to really influence the cost of oil and pass the savings on to our customers. This is especially important as we head into the cold winter period.”
Councillor Roger Croad, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for communities said: “Devon is a large rural county with a many properties off the gas network relying chiefly on heating oil. This initiative is helping a lot of families who are currently struggling to afford to keep the heating on during the colder months. It’s a great example of communities working together to get a better deal on their heating bills.”
Membership to the Devon Oil Collective starts at £24 for a residential tank.
Full details about the scheme, including membership forms, can be found online at Community Council of Devon: Alternatively, call 01392 248919 ext*290.