Neonatal Unit has Christmas all sewn up thanks to Plymouth Whiz Kidz
Every baby cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Derriford Hospital will receive a beautifully hand-made Christmas stocking this Christmas Eve, thanks to the hard work and good will of young people at a local out of school business club.
Twenty hand-made stockings were handed over to staff on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit today by representatives and students of Whiz Kidz in Plymouth, who support young people in looking at their career choices when they are not sure what to do.
Nina Hoskins from local business, You Love It You Do, mentored the students and provided support in making the stockings. Whiz Kidz and Nina will working in partnership with the unit in the new year to make bedding, incubator covers and snugglies.
The students also donated £140 to the unit, which was raised at their recent Christmas Fair.
Katie Oakes, Unit Manager, said: “On behalf of the unit, I would like to say a huge thank you to Whiz Kidz for their generous donation. The stockings are beautiful and were clearly made with great care. They will be put on the end of the babies’ incubators on Christmas Eve.
“We are always appreciative of the donations we receive and this one is particularly humbling. It was great that the students were able to come up to the unit to see for themselves where the stockings will go and who they will benefit.”
Lisa Gilfillan, NICU Staff Nurse, added: “This is an exciting time for us and Whiz Kidz and we are looking forward to working with them on further projects in the new year. My colleague Vicky and I will be giving talks to the young people about the unit and the developmental care aids so they can understand the purpose of what they are making and how they are used.”
Whiz Kidz is an out of school business club for young people who are looking at career choices but aren't sure what to do. To help them understand the possibilities of running their own business, the six week project gets them to work with a number of groups and each other on a project of their own creation.
The aim of the club is to raise the aspirations of those taking part and help them to build the skills and confidence needed to enter the business world on their own terms.