Leafy Lanes Walk raises funds for oncology department
In May 2013 walkers took part in the annual Leafy Lanes sponsored walk around Lydford and Bridestowe, organised by Pals of Plymouth Oncology Outpatients and Chemotherapy (POOCH).
Earlier this month, the Pals of POOCH visited the Oncology Department at Derriford Hospital to present a cheque for £2,500, which was the total raised by the walkers who took part.
The cheque was presented to Therapy Radiographer, Michelle Quayle, by organiser of the walk and co-founder of the charity, David Hocking of Lydford, and walkers, Mr and Mrs Adams from Plymouth, who raised £800 between them.
David said: “I am extremely humbled and grateful by everyone supporting POOCH and the work that we are doing for the benefit of others. Next year’s walk will be held on Sunday 18 May 2014 and the money will go towards purchasing patient position systems for the Radiotherapy Department.
“My next challenge is to start an Oncology Choir, open to patients and staff. So if there is a wonderful, understanding and sympathetic Choir Master out there, who would like to get involved, please contact me.”
If you are able to help David, please contact him on 07899 916959 or davidthocking@msn.com