Plymouth Landlord EXPO aims to drive up letting standards
Private landlords in Plymouth are being offered advice and support at the Landlord EXPO this week.
Exhibitors from commercial companies and Plymouth City Council will provide essential information about residential letting. The EXPO is being held at the Guildhall on Thursday 24 October from 12 noon to 6pm. It is being organised by the Council and West Country Landlords’ Association.
The event is an opportunity for existing and potential landlords to get advice on all aspects of private renting, get support to maintain their properties and make sure they are up to date with current legislation. There will also be seminars on changes to the welfare system that could affect tenants in the private sector.
Private rented housing makes up 20 per cent of the housing stock in the city and the Council wants to work with landlords to ensure quality homes are available. Teams attending from the Council will include the private rented team, housing options, planning, environmental services and the accommodation team showcasing the EasyLet rental scheme.
There will also be seminars on issues such as changes to the welfare system and making repairs to properties.
Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet member for Co-operatives and Community Development said: “We are working with private landlords to increase the supply of housing in Plymouth and improve the quality of housing. This is one of our priorities and the Landlord EXPO is a great opportunity to bring people together to show what opportunities there are in the city. It is also a chance for us to demonstrate the quality standards we aspire to and the support that is available to landlords.”