One week job man Matt Frost joins police
Cornishman Matt Frost joins Devon and Cornwall Police this week as part of his year-long job challenge raising money for The Prince’s Trust.
Matt, 29, from South East Cornwall, aims to complete 52 different jobs in 52 weeks across the UK. So far his jobs have included being a motorcycle stuntman, working for the NHS, Plymouth Aquarium and a recruitment agency.
Being a police officer was on his job ‘wish list’ and he will now have the opportunity with Devon and Cornwall Police. Matt will be working in various locations in Cornwall and Plymouth during this week.
East Cornwall Geographic Support Inspector Matt Longman, based at Bodmin police station said: “It is a great opportunity for Devon and Cornwall Police to be involved in raising money for such a good charity as The Prince’s Trust and at the same time support Matt Frost’s challenge to work in 52 jobs in 52 days.
“We have a great week set up for Matt. He will be working with the Liskeard Neighbourhood Team, Plymouth control room as well with the public order and the evening and night time economy teams.”
Matt Frost was a retail manager in a shop in London but a life changing accident at work meant he had to take some significant time off to recover.
Matt said: “The injury woke me up to the fact that maybe this wasn’t what I really wanted to be doing with my life. I’m sure many people suffer such crises, but this one was more than the usual itch.”
Matt decided he wanted to explore what other possible work opportunities were out there. Matt discovered Canadian, Sean Aiken had completed a full year of job-hopping and he wanted to do the same in the UK. The rest is history and he continues to find one week jobs across the UK in 2013.
Matt is still yet to discover true passion in the workplace, he hopes to raise some excellent donations for The Prince’s Trust while broadening his horizons and looking to find a fulfilling career.
More information can be found out about Matt at his website http://www.oneweekjob.com/uk/.
Matt is raising money for the Prince’s Trust which gives practical and financial support to the young people who need it most. The trust helps develop key skills, confidence and motivation, enabling young people to move into work, education or training.