Plymouth flies the flags for LGBT and Hindu communities
Plymouth will be celebrating its diverse communities this weekend with two events on Saturday 20 July.
Devonport Park will once again host Pride in the Park. Thousands are expected to attend from 1.30pm to 7pm for the celebration of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender culture. There will be free live entertainment, stalls and a bar all organised by Pride in Plymouth. The Council will have a stand and visitors will be able to speak to councillors and a range of staff from departments such as Youth Services.
In the city centre, celebrations will focus on Rathayatra, the annual Hindu chariot festival honouring Krishna. It is a chance for people to catch a glimpse of Hindu culture with a chariot parade, stalls, food and free saris.
The colourful chariot will parade around the Piazza on Armada Way at midday. The event is organised by Plymouth Hindu Association and usually attracts a few thousand people. 2013 is the fourth year the event has been held in the city.
Cabinet member for Co-operatives and Community Development, Councillor Chris Penberthy said: “Cultural diversity is incredibly important and I’m pleased to be able to support the Hindu and LGBT communities in their celebrations and demonstrate how we are increasingly becoming a welcoming city.”