Police puppy naming competition via Facebook
Devon and Cornwall Police are inviting members of the public to name six out of the seven puppies born to Force brood bitch, Ruby, last month.
The competition will be run through the Devon and Cornwall Police Facebook page (www.facebook.com/DevonandCornwallpolice) from 10 to 18 July 2013.
As this litter of puppies are the first litter Devon and Cornwall Police have bred they will be known as litter ‘A’ and all suggested names given on Facebook need to begin with the letter ‘A’.
Anyone wishing to name the puppies can find photos of each puppy posted on the Facebook page. The first puppy has already been named ‘Ash’.
Any members of the public wanting to suggest a name or names should ‘Like’ the page and post their suggestions as comments underneath each puppy’s photograph.
The winners will be chosen by Paul Glennon, Force Dog Handler, and will be invited to meet the puppies at their first press event, which will take place on Tuesday 23 July.
Once they have been named, the puppies will be allocated to their puppy walkers, who will take care of them for about a year, until they are ready for their formal training with the Force.
Force Dog Handler, Paul Glennon, said “The puppies and their mother are all doing well and the puppies are growing really fast. We thought it would be nice to ask the public for their suggestions on naming the puppies, especially as this is the first litter we have bred ourselves”.