Summer fun in North Prospect
It’s a summer packed full of fun for families in North Prospect.
Fun days and trips for all ages are being organised by Plymouth City Council and its partners working in the community.
Cabinet Member for Co-operatives and Community Development, Councillor Chris Penberthy said: “Six weeks of school holidays can be a long time for parents to keep their children and teenagers occupied but lots of organisations are working hard to put together this summer’s programme. No age group is left out and there are trips specifically for adults as well.”
Days out to the seaside, weekly craft activities, nature walks and camping trips are all part of the programme. On Wednesday 31 July during Love Parks Week the teddy bears are taking over Titchy Park for the Teddy Bears’ Picnic.
On Saturday 7 September the popular music and arts festival ‘World on The Green’ returns and moves to a new venue at Tewkesbury Close in Lower Ham for 2013 while Cookworthy Green is temporarily out of action. The festival celebrates difference and diversity and there will be a great Iine up of performers from around the globe. Once again, there will also be a big top where visitors can have a go at circus skills and take part in arts activities.
Ward Councillor Tina Tuohy said: “A lot of hard work has gone into setting up all these activities and I am delighted with the result. I am sure they will be a great success. GAS is looking forward to hosting World on the Green again and we look forward to a good day of music and fun for everyone. GAS would like to thank Mayflower School for allowing us to use their fields for the event.”
More details about the summer programme are available in community centres, shops and organisations in North Prospect and online at www.plymouth.gov.uk/homepage/communityandliving/yourneighbourhood/nhnorthprospectwestonmill.