101 landlords sign up for rental schemes
101 landlords have now signed up to EasyLet and HouseLet in Plymouth.
Plymouth City Council is celebrating reaching the milestone for its rental schemes with 64 landlords now signed up to EasyLet and 37 landlords signed up to HouseLet.
EasyLet was launched in 2010 to give families in housing need access to quality private rented accommodation. Landlords benefit from a fast tenant finder service, competitive market rents linked to the local housing allowance and a full property and tenancy management service.
HouseLet was launched in 2005 and gives landlords a complete property and tenancy management service with a guaranteed rental income while their property is leased to the Council.
Councillor Chris Penberthy, Cabinet member for Co-operatives and Community Development said: “I’m very pleased these two schemes are proving to be a continued success. Not only are we working co-operatively with landlords in the city to increase the number of private rentals on the market, we are putting a roof over people’s heads with good quality homes. These schemes are also an important part of our work bringing empty properties in the city back into use. It’s a win win situation for everyone.”
Any landlords interested in letting one, two, three or four bedroom properties in partnership with Plymouth City Council can contact the Accommodation Team today on 01752 307570.