Mobile phones: dying to read your text?
Devon and Somerset Fire an Rescue are reminding drivers of the dangers of using mobile phones while at the wheel.
They have issued the following advice and information taken from The Honest Truth website in conjunction with National Road Safety Week:
A lot of research shows that using a hand-held or hands-free mobile phone while driving is a significant distraction, and greatly increases the risk of the driver crashing.
Drivers who use a mobile phone whether hand-held or hands-free:
- are four times more likely to crash, injuring or killing themselves and/or other people
- are much less aware of what’s happening on the road around them
- fail to see road signs
- fail to maintain proper lane position and steady speed
- are more likely to ‘tailgate’ the vehicle in front
- react more slowly and take longer to brake
- are more likely to enter unsafe gaps in traffic
- feel more stressed and frustrated.
Using a hands-free phone while driving does not significantly reduce the risks because the problems are caused mainly by the mental distraction and divided attention of taking part in a phone conversation at the same time as driving.
Remember it isn’t just speaking – texting and using smartphones can be even more distracting than talking on your phone.
What is the punishment?
- if you are caught it’s a £60 fine and three points and if you are caught twice you will lose your license
- if you cause an accident and kill someone you are likely to go to prison
- Police will check phone records when investigating a fatal collision or serious injury
The Law
Hand-held Phones
It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone or device while driving. This includes Sat-navs. It is also an offence to “cause or permit” a driver to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving.
Hands-free Phones
It can be illegal to use a hands-free phone while driving. Depending upon the individual circumstances, drivers could be charged with ‘failing to have proper control of their vehicle’.
Taken from the Honest Truth website in support of National Road Safety Week.
For more information go to www.thehonesttruth.co.uk