Your chance to vote on who chooses your lawyer when you buy a house
A Cornish solicitor has started an online poll asking the public how they would like to be legally represented when buying a property.
A P Bassett’s are trying to get the message across that consumers are not being given the chance to choose their own solicitor when buying a house.
England and Scotland use the same system but The Law Society in Scotland has voted to change the current system, where a solicitor from their lenders panel represents both the lender and the buyer.
They are changing to a system where the lender and buyer are represented by their own solicitors.
The panel system is still used in England and Wales and the poll asks if we should keep the existing system or change to having the buyer and lender represented by separate solicitors of their own choice.
This is an important debate which could impact greatly on the ability of consumers to choose who represents them in one of the most important financial transactions of their lives.
The poll is at ;
A P Bassett solicitors can be found at ;
Have a look and make your opinion heard.