Creatures from the Past, a Wild about Plymouth event
Join the Wild About Plymouth team to see and hold fossil bones of hyenas, rhinos, bison and hippos which lived around Buckfastleigh Hill 120,000 years ago when the climate was very warm. The caves are part of a conservation area and home to over 1,000 bats.
Learn the secret lives of our bats, walk ancient pathways, see where earthquakes happened, volcanoes erupted and enjoy some family friendly activities.
Refreshments will be provided, but bring a packed lunch. Please wear long trousers and sensible shoes.
Parking is available at the Caves site. Meet at the William Pengelly Museum entrance. £5 per adult. £2.50 per child. Under 5s go free.
Advance booking is essential.
You must complete and return a booking form with your payment by 6 May 2013 which is available to download here. You can also pick up a leaflet from Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery.