Funding from the proceeds of crime funds new equipment for Devonport Services Under 11s rugby team
The Devonport Services Under 11s rugby team have benefitted from brand new mid-layer tops and waterproof jackets for all of their players, thanks to funding from the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA), awarded by Devon & Cornwall Police.
The funding has been used to secure new equipment for the Under 11s rugby team, including mid-layers and jackets, which the team proudly wore for the first time during a match in February.
The Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) means that money which has derived from criminal activity or has been seized as part of criminal investigations is reinvested into the local community. The act also prevents convicted criminals from financially benefitting from the crimes they have committed.
Members of community groups can speak to members of their local policing teams to submit an application form, and if the application fits the criteria set out in the application form, the money is allocated to each applicant. Despite the money originating from criminal acts, the process of awarding it to local community groups and enhancing the local area helps to put criminal money to good use.
The Lead Coach of Devonport Services Under 11s said: “Being awarded funding from the Proceeds of Crime Act to enable us to purchase new jackets for the team means we are able to instil some additional confidence and self-belief into our players. This goes a long way in supporting all players, who are of different abilities, to feel that they are all one team.”
If you would like to learn more about making a POCA application, please speak to your local neighbourhood policing team or contact us online.