Plymtree Country Fayre
A new and original event will be taking place at Plymtree Country Fayre this year.
Peewee the dog will be herding a group of runner ducks through a complex set of gates and into an enclosure.
“It sounds easy” said the dog’s owner, Tracy Frankpitt “but Peewee is really struggling with the whole thing. We’ve watched the ‘One Man and his Dog’ series and the film ‘Babe’ but he’s still pretty clueless. We’ve had a few practices and as he sets off round the ring with them but you can see by their faces, the ducks are as confused as he is”.
Peewee will also be demonstrating his obedience to commands such as sit, lie down and heel. He’s a real crowd pleaser so even if he fails to control the ducks, the audience will still be thoroughly entertained.
The dog and duck show will take place at 1.15pm at Plymtree Country Fayre.
Plymtree Country Fayre is a free entry event held between 12pm and 4pm on Bank Holiday Monday August 28th on Plymtree cricket ground EX15 2LE.
It has children’s games, BBQ, tea tent, afternoon teas, skittles, archery, classic cars, a horse show, dog show, craft stalls, live music, a flower and veg competition, bouncy castle, ice creams and so much more. There is something for every member of the family.