Returning council leader appoints new Cabinet
Following the district wide elections earlier this month East Devon District Council (EDDC) has a new administration, with both a new Cabinet and Chair appointed on 24 May.
The Council is now made up of the Democratic Alliance group, the largest group on the council with 29 seats, the Conservative Group with 17 seats, The Independent Group with nine seats, Labour Group three seats and there are two seats from the Independent Council Group. The council has 60 councillors in total.
The Democratic Alliance group is made up of councillors from the Liberal Democrat Party, the Green Party and some independents.
Returning Leader Councillor Paul Arnott, who has held the position of Leader for the past three years, told the meeting that the focus for the new administration will continue to be on the existing priorities of Homes, the Environment and East Devon’s Economy, with an emphasis on sustainability.
Councillor Paul Arnott said: “It is a privilege to be elected by my fellow councillors to lead East Devon again. Of course, there are challenges in all our priority areas, not least diminishing financial support from central government. However, I feel confident that our replenished, progressive-minded body of councillors, working with our enthusiastic and talented officers, will do the district proud.”
Councillor Paul Hayward , who has been Councillor Arnott's deputy leader for the last three years will continue in his role.
Following the election of the new Leader and his deputy Councillor Arnott announced the new Cabinet posts.
Coast, Country & Environment: Councillor Geoff Jung
Council and Corporate Coordination: Councillor John Loudoun
Climate Action & Emergencies: Councillor Marianne Rixson
Communications & Democracy: Councillor Sarah Jackson
Culture, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: Councillor Nick Hookway
Economy: Councillor Matt Hall
Finance and Assets: Councillor Paul Hayward
Strategic Planning: Councillor Olly Davey
Sustainable Homes & Communities: Councillor Dan Ledger
At the Annual Council meeting, Councillor Eleanor Rylance was elected as Chair and Councillor Sam Hawkins as Vice Chair.
Councillor Arnott added: “With Eleanor in the Chair and Sam as her Vice Chair we have a fresh and able pairing who I have no doubt will ensure that the council’s reputation is enhanced and that all its actions meet the highest standards in public life.”