A rising star! Foot Anstey employee announced as a finalist at the British Muslim Awards
Aziz Deen, Associate in Foot Anstey LLP's Islamic Finance team, has been announced as finalist in the Rising Star in Law category at the British Muslim Awards 2023.
The award ceremony will be held on 28 April 2023 at The Marquee, Manchester and is one of the most prestigious events in the Muslim community. The British Muslim Awards has been recognising the achievements of British Muslims for over a decade.
We understand that Aziz was selected by the judging panel thanks to his outstanding work to progress access and awareness of the Islamic Finance sector.
Aziz is an active committee member of The Association of Muslim Lawyers where he founded the Legal Guides mentoring programme. To date, the programme has matched over 300 mentees and mentors within the legal sector, with many of the mentees securing training contracts as a result.
When asked about being nominated as a finalist, Aziz Commented: "I am humbled to be recognised in the Rising Star category at this year's British Muslim Awards. Not only have I made it my mission to make Islamic Finance more accessible to others I am also passionate about addressing the lack of financial literacy in ethnically diverse communities, which I believe has helped me in being recognised by the BMA and it's judging panel."
"Throughout my career I have involved myself in numerous Islamic Finance organisations and charities with the same values as myself and the Islamic Finance team at Foot Anstey. I hope to continue supporting such organisations and charities well into the future"
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