All smiles at Lifeworks Learning Disability Saturday groups relaunch.
Lifeworks Saturday enrichment groups flourish
Our Lifeworks Saturday enrichment groups restarted this year with plenty of activities, both indoors and out. It was lovely to see new faces joining the groups and great to have so many smiling faces back with us. This first Saturday was jam-packed, with different events. Including a hardy circuit training workout where the group went through several stretches and exercises to keep start body and mind going. There was also an indoor craft workshops where beautifully decorative tea lanterns were created with an array of glitter and sparkle.
There was also plenty of time in the kitchen for preparing and cooking delicious meals resulting in some scrumptious Sheppard’s pie! (With vegetarian options too) and to top the day off it was back outside for a light-hearted a game of football. A thoroughly brilliant start to our Saturday enrichment groups.
Lifeworks Head of College, Karen Dorow said; ” Wow, our first day of our new Saturday Young Adult Group, and Social Club at Lifeworks, and it was fantastic. Great to see so many really enjoying themselves at the range of activities, plus socialising and making new friends”.
Our Lifework Groups gives enriching weekend activities for young people with learning disabilities—building community, belonging and independence whilst having fun and getting active. Offering young people with learning disabilities a chance to make friends, experience the new, take the lead, get involved in community life and most importantly have a great time.
Our Groups runs on alternate Saturdays at Lifeworks College Lescaze Offices Shinners Bridge Totnes Tq9 6JD. Throughout the year and the seasonal programmes are chosen in advance by group members. Past activities at our Groups include Zip Wiring at the Eden Project, Skiing and Snow-tubing at Plymouth Ski Slope, community gardening, mountain biking, residential trips, cooking and much more. For more information email communityprojects@lifeworks-uk.org or call: 01803 86507