Share your views: Could more be done to make new developments more environmentally friendly in East Devon?
Could East Devon do more to tackle the climate change emergency in its new draft local Plan?
Check out the list of measures being proposed, which look to ensure new developments reduce East Devon’s carbon footprint as much as possible.
Among the many issues residents need to share their views on, as part of a nine-week consultation on the draft Local Plan, will be the amount of solar panels in East Devon and whether the district should have more solar farms or place panels on new-build roofs - these are just a couple of the many options.
Other topics include how you would like East Devon to minimise the carbon footprint of new developments, like by making them zero carbon or by building close to jobs, schools, shops and community facilities to reduce the need to travel.
East Devon District Council (EDDC) needs your views now. Do not wait until a planning application is submitted to build something next to your home, at that point it could be too late for your views to change the outcome.
Plans to make walking and cycling more attractive to residents is also key in East Devon. The council’s consultation aims to find what you think will help reduce your need to travel – whether it be through more EV charging points or more foot and cycle paths to encourage more people to walk and get on their bike.
The draft plan also outlines how the district will need to adapt to climate change, this includes ensuring new developments are not affected and do not contribute to flooding.
Plans have also been proposed to introduce new measures to control development in areas prone to coastal erosion and enable those whose property is directly affected by cliff falls to move to safety.
The Local Plan is the key document used in making planning decisions in East Devon so it is vital that people tell us what they think of the proposals now.
Councillor Dan Ledger, EDDC’s portfolio holder for strategic planning, said: "It is so important people look at this consultation and tell us what they think.
“The climate emergency affects us all now and will affect us more in the future.
“We have to ensure that new developments do not add to the carbon footprint of the district and that we adapt to issues like flooding and cliff falls.
“This is a key consultation and your chance to tell us how we should plan in the future to address climate change, please use it.”
Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district in the consultation here: http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/local-plan
The feedback EDDC receives will be used to help inform and refine EDDC’s thinking as the local plan is progressed.
Check out this climate change vide on the new draft Local Plan.