Domestic abuse charity in Cornwall and Devon receives funding boost from local housebuilder
A charity supporting people in Devon and Cornwall who have been affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence has received a cash boost from a leading housebuilder.
First Light has secured a £1,000 donation from Persimmon Homes Cornwall and West Devon.
The organisation helps thousands of adults and children in the South West every year to lead safer lives, free from violence and abuse.
The services in Cornwall include a helpline, outreach, 1-2-1 help, advice and advocacy, alongside recovery therapy for survivors.
They’ve recently moved premises and the funding will help kit out the office and ensure more helpline workers are at the end of the line when someone seeks support.
Persimmon’s donation comes through the housebuilder’s Community Champions scheme. Each month Persimmon donates up to £64,000 to good causes in Great Britain, including up to £2,000 across Cornwall and West Devon.
Commenting on the donation, Mel Francis, Service Manager for First Light, said: “Our new office space is lovely, compared to the mis-matched furniture, faded carpets and scruffy walls in Truro. It’s a much nicer space to undertake our challenging work in.
“However, it’s the value of bringing together the teams that should not be underestimated.
“It will not only mean better communication and joint working between teams, but victims of both domestic abuse and sexual violence will benefit from seamless support throughout our various services and our partners.
“Thank you very much Persimmon Homes Cornwall for your kind donation.”
Jane Cartwright, Sales Director at Persimmon Homes Cornwall and West Devon, said: “Persimmon is delighted to be able to support First Light with this donation.
“Our Community Champions initiative is all about supporting the communities and people in which we build, and First Light is another deserving recipient.
“The organisation plays such a vital role across Cornwall and Devon, going above and beyond to support local people who have been victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.
“It’s a fantastic organisation with a great local team who help peoplelead safer lives, free from violence and abuse.
“We are extremely proud to be able to support First Light and their outstanding work.”