Exmouth Town Hall reception to reopen
East Devon District Council (EDDC) will be reopening the reception in Exmouth in early December.
Following a decision by the council to reopen the town hall reception when staffing resources allowed. The council have now successfully recruited additional staff to enable the office to reopen. From Monday, 5 December the reception at Exmouth Town Hall will be open Monday to Thursday from 9am to 1pm.
The council continues to operate an appointment system for people to meet with officers and more details on how to do this can be found by visiting www.eastdevon.gov.uk/contact-us
EDDC Chief Executive Mark Williams said: "We continue to provide a full service to our various customers across the whole of east Devon notwithstanding that due to current staffing levels we have been unable to guarantee the hours when our receptions will be open to the public.
"The overwhelming nature and volume of our business is conducted via the phone, email, letters or pre-arranged appointments.
"This reflects how our customers actually do contact us.
"We do acknowledge a limited amount of demand from some residents and customers of Exmouth Town Council and the Devon County Council Registrar for the Exmouth Town Hall reception to be open.
"We will monitor the number and type of visits to the Town Hall and the information we obtain from this will be discussed with the Town Council and the County Council."