Exhibition by Julie Ellis - Chasing the Light
My work is all about the light. I love experimenting with dark and shade and seeing where each painting takes me. I feel this new collection has a light - almost summery - feel to it which I have really enjoyed creating.
Julie Ellis is an artistic powerhouse. Her work ethic and discipline must make her one of the hardest working artists in the country. Not only has she completed her Masters Degree at the University of Plymouth but she has also continued to create and produce a fantastic body of work to present to the public.
Julie never disappoints. Her work is always and consistently fresh, striking and of the highest calibre artistically. This exhibition is no exception. There is a lightness of touch that makes the layers of paint glow and shimmer, bringing something new to the viewer, an extra frisson of energy that moves and oscillates on the canvas. As ever, it is a joy to see new work by this supremely accomplished artist.
To view the exhibition online click here and to book an appointment outside opening hours please telephone 01548 831338, or email art@brownstonart.com