Does a new bathroom add value to your property?
Every homeowner wants to add value to their home but the hardest part is knowing what will add value, what won’t, and even the worst-case scenario sometimes even detracts value from the property. Whether you are looking to add value to your home or you are looking to add value to another property you own, you always want to know what projects are a good idea.
Bathrooms are of course an essential part of any property especially if it is a home or property that is going to have many people occupying the space at one time. Nothing is worse than having to wait for a bathroom to be free and everyone can relate to this. So that means that all potential buyers of a property regardless of what the property is going to be used for are always going to consider the number of bathrooms to the number of occupants.
Adding another bathroom to a property will without a doubt add value to the home due to how essential they are. Quite often potential buyers may not even consider the property if they don’t feel that there are enough bathrooms. Due to this adding another bathroom will not only increase the resale value but should also make more potential buyers interested in the property in the first place.
It is believed that the amount of value that a new bathroom adds to a property is about 4-5%, meaning that the sale price of your property might go up by thousands. There are of course many variables that come into play that affect that estimate.
The things that will negatively affect the resale value in regards to installing a new bathroom can make all the difference in whether or not the new bathroom that you had installed was worth the time, effort, and money that you had to put in to make it happen.
The number of bathrooms that the property already had might affect the value. Of course, if the property only had one bathroom initially then another one is only going to be positive. However, if the property for some reason had 2 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms then another one isn’t really going to be necessary.
The overall design and layout will also play a significant role in how much value is added to the property. Styles and trends change all the time and if the new bathroom feels dated then people might see the additional bathroom as something that will have to change if they purchase the property. However, if the bathroom is designed to be aesthetically pleasing and functionally practical then that will obviously be much better for the resale value. For the perfect bathroom design you will want to choose a professional bathroom fitter like Harringtons Group.
The last main thing that will affect how much value a new bathroom will add to the property is the quality of the work. If a new bathroom is installed poorly or cheaply then that will significantly alter the value that is added to the property. A new bathroom or any home improvement needs to be seen as an investment, meaning that the more money you put in should then hopefully mean the greater the return.
An additional bathroom also has the likelihood to make your experience living at the property more comfortable too, so with all that in mind it is clear that the answer to the question of whether or not a new bathroom adds value, is yes.