
Lower-income households invited to apply for free energy efficiency improvements to their homes
Lower-income householders across Devon can benefit from free energy efficiency improvements to their home worth thousands of pounds.
Devon County Council has formed a partnership with other councils in the region to offer homeowners and tenants the chance to save on energy bills and lower the emissions of their property.
More than 40 per cent per cent of Devon’s carbon emissions are caused by the buildings we live and work in.
Now the Green Homes Grants Scheme, funded by Government, is available to Devon residents such as pensioners, who have an annual household income.
To apply residents must have a household income of less than £30,000; if you are a homeowner, and live in that property, you can apply for grants of up to £10,000.
Tenants of rented properties can apply for grants of up to £5,000 with the landlord expected to contribute at least one third towards the cost of the work.
Upgrades could include windows and doors, solar PV, loft insultation and cavity wall insultation.
The scheme in the South West is led by West of England Combined Authority, working with E. ON and Happy Energy Solutions and is available from now until March next year (2022) operating on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you qualify, Happy Energy Solutions will survey your home to assess which energy efficiency measures could be installed.
The options will then be discussed with you before a final decision to be reached.
Councillor Andrea Davis, Devon County Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change, and the Environment said: “Approximately 20 per cent of carbon emissions in Devon come from our homes, so ensuring our homes use less energy has the triple effect of protecting people from the health risks of cold homes, reduces carbon emissions, and keeps energy bills down.
“This is just one of several schemes Devon County Council is participating in to reduce amount of energy in homes.
“If you think you may be eligible please have a look on the website.”
Nigel Dewbery, Director of Residential Solutions at E. ON, said: “We’re really pleased to be working with the South West Energy Hub to give eligible residents the opportunity to install a range of energy efficiency measures on their properties.
“This demonstrates E. ON’s commitment to helping improve the energy efficiency of housing across the UK and reducing individual homeowners’ impact on the environment, all helping to support our net-zero targets.”
If you’re struggling to keep your home warm and you think you might be eligible for some help, you can apply on Heat Devon website.