Exmouth Queen’s Drive: Work to turn former temporary car park into public space begins
Work to turn a former temporary car park site at Exmouth into a public space for fitness classes has now begun.
It comes following a recommendation by the Queen’s Drive Delivery Group to return the site to a public amenity space, complimenting other temporary uses until a new permanent use is agreed for the site.
The groundworks started last week to remove previous foundations and hardcore to allow the site to be grassed and it is hoped that this work will be complete before the Easter holidays.
Other works are also taking place on the site to ensure that the central seating area is available ready for the planned opening on April 12 – this includes removal of the boardwalk and some of the seating areas which are beyond repair.
New Replacement picnic benches of sustainable materials will then be brought in and two small hardstanding areas will be created to facilitate access to this seating by those with mobility challenges.
A new entrance to the events space is also being added to help with social distancing, with a one-way system once the site is fully open.
EDDC will be importing topsoil to a depth of 100mm across the former temporary car park site to ensure that the grass establishes and to provide an ideal surface for fitness classes.
This topsoil will be seeded with a hard wearing grass mix suitable for the coastal environment.
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