Music Forum With Dr Robert Taub, Music Director at The Arts Institute and renowned British cellist Lionel Hardy
Join us for the next addition to The Arts Institute’s Musica Viva series – the latest of our Music Forums: live-streamed musical evenings featuring live performances and informal conversations with Dr Robert Taub and guests about composers, musical interpretations, and related topics.
Listen as Robert and his guest Lionel Hardy discuss the impact of Covid-19 on Lionel’s touring and concert schedule. Lionel will also perform excerpts from a cello concerto by the Plymothian composer Stanley Bate - which he was previously scheduled to perform in Hong Kong - along with a heroic solo cello work, the transcendent Suite for Solo Cello in C major by JS Bach.
Free to access online. Book via The Arts Institute website.
This event will be run through You Tube Live. Once you have booked your place you will receive a link to access this event online, please join the call via the link provided 5 minutes before the event begins.
If you have any queries or require any additional information about attending this online event please do not hesitate to contact The Arts Institute team - theartsinstitute@plymouth.ac.uk.