Guide to replacing cabinet handles
Our step-by-step guide on replacing a cabinet door handle.
When it comes to the overall look of your home, internal doors play a big role. If your door is looking a bit Shabby, it's worth your time to give it a little TLC to make it look best. One of the quickest and easiest DIY projects is replacing a knob or handle of the cabinet door. Here is our step-by-step guide on changing cabinet handles.
Things you're going to need
A tape measure, new handle or door knob, drill and a Phillips screwdriver.
#1 Removing the Old Door Knob or Handle
You will first need to remove the old knob or handle. Begin by removing the screws that are keeping the handle or knob in place. You should find these on the cover plate but if not there, you should look for a small slot on the side. Take the metal piece and put it inside the slot, and the knob should come loosen easily. Keep in mind that some knobs might require you to remove the screws from both sides of the cabinet furniture.
#2 Remove the Plate and Latch
Take a careful look and you'll find a slot along the edge of the plate. Get your screwdriver into the slot and twist it slightly to remove the plate. You'll find some screws under it. Unscrew those and the old latch should slide out. Don't forget to unscrew the strike plate that is still hanging onto the door frame.
#3 Measure the Back Set
It is the distance which is measured from the edge of the door to the center of the big hole on the front side of the door. It is important to measure this distance to ensure that the replacement handle will work perfectly with the existing back set.
#4 Fitting the New Handle or Knob
Take the new latch and slide it in the door edge. Use the screwdriver to screw it in place and then use a drill to tighten it. Take the handle or knob with the peg and insert it in the door followed by inserting the peg in the latch. Now it's time to push on the other side of the handle. All that remains is screwing it in place.
#5 Getting Rid of Old Holes
If you are able to see any old marks or holes from the handle or knob you have just removed, you will need to get rid of them for excellent finish. Sand these holes and use wood putty to fill them. If needed, give a slight touch up with paint. Now it's time to fix that new strike plate. Screw it into the door frame and you're done.