Indian Head Massage Workshop in Plymouth
Learn to perform Indian Head Massage! On this fun, one-day workshop in Mannamead, in Plymouth, you will learn massage techniques to use on the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck and scalp, and put it all together into a full 25 - 30 minute treatment to use on friends and family. Class sizes are small (from 4 to 6 people), so you will have plenty of individual attention and practice, plus the chance to follow up after the workshop if you're unsure of anything.
Training is thorough, (much more than just a basic introduction) and is delivered by a professional therapist and tutor. Ideal for the complete beginner or as a refresher day for therapists. There is no qualification, but a certificate of attendance will be provided.
Indian Head Massage is a lovely skill, either as a full treatment or knowing how to use a few techniques to help ease back or neck tension, headaches, eyestrain, insomnia etc.
Cost: £45 per person.
For more information, or to book, call/text 07803 129918, or email Sarah at sarah@bodyandmindzone.co.uk.