Remember to put your bins or bags out a day later this bank holiday
Residents in Plymouth are being reminded to put their recycling or waste collections out a day later this bank holiday.
Monday 29 May is a bank holiday so your bin or bag collection day will be a day later than usual.
Residents were written to by Plymouth City Council in April with information about changes to their recycling and waste collections as the Council has introduced alternate weekly collections (one week green – recycling - and one week brown – non-recyclables). These letters included a calendar with information about the days of collections, garden waste collection dates, and bank holidays.
Councillor Mike Leaves, Cabinet Member for Street Scene and the Environment for Plymouth City Council said: “Please remember that with the bank holiday you will need to put your bins or bags out a day later than usual – so if your collection is normally a Monday it will be on the Tuesday and so on. You should still put your bins out after 6.30pm the day before collection and before 6.30am on the day of collection, and bring them to the edge of the kerb where this is possible.
“Try and plan ahead for the bank holiday as much as possible and remember that anything too big to fit in your bin should be taken to one of our recycling centres. Recycle as much as you can as this will then free up space in your brown bin or bag. Crushing down recyclable items such as plastic bottles and cardboard will help make more room in your green bins or bags.
“If you are celebrating over the bank holiday with friends or family, remember that you can take any additional glass bottles and other recyclables to one of our recycling banks.”
Items that can be recycled in your green bins and bags include:
Newspapers and magazines
Glass bottles and jars
Food and drinks cans
Biscuit and cake tins
Cooking foil
Plastic bottles, tubs and punnets
Drinks cartons.
You can check your usual bin day by putting your postcode into our online bin checker here https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/binsrecyclingandwaste/checkyourbinday
More information about bin collections, including a full list of what can be recycled, go to www.plymouth.gov.uk