Ballot papers sent out as businesses come out in force to back Waterfront BID2
It’s decision time for businesses in the Plymouth Waterfront area as they vote on whether to continue the Business Improvement District for a further five years.
The ballot papers have been sent out to 877 voters, who will have the deciding say on whether to renew the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership’s Waterfront BID in a four-square mile area stretching from Stonehouse to Coxside and including Mount Batten.
It’s a crucial vote for traders who currently pay 1.5 per cent of their rateable value annually in return for enhanced services and projects.
The PWP BID began in 2012 and has so far delivered more than £6m of investment, created a Waterfront Masterplan, plans for a new cruise ship terminal and assisted in securing Government and Washington support for the forthcoming Mayflower 400 celebrations in 2020.
Other successful projects include better signage for visitors and stronger marketing of successful events including the Plymouth Pirate Weekend and Plymouth Seafood Festival.
The PWP also acts as a unified voice for business owners, including hoteliers, restauranteurs, attraction managers and retailers.
Craig Moore, Partner and Head of the Plymouth office of UK solicitors Bond Dickinson, fully supports the PWP’s BID2.
He said: “Before the BID there was no one to push the Waterfront’s agenda. There wasn’t a mouthpiece for the area when it came to the strategic direction the city was moving in.
“Now the Waterfront very much has its own identity and there are people within the BID who can make sure the area is included in any decisions.
“There is a real growth agenda around Plymouth and it is important the Waterfront BID team continues that momentum. They have made it easier for other stakeholders to get involved in the conversation about the future of the city and the Waterfront.”
Plymouth City Council has vowed to pump nearly £3m into Waterfront BID2 - provided it wins the ballot – saying it would be a “key strategic partner” in the design and delivery of the city’s ambitious plans.
Cllr Glenn Jordan, Cabinet Member for Culture at Plymouth City Council said: “Plymouth Waterfront Partnership has provided substantial time and investment into developing the events and marketing activities delivered for the waterfront. With the annual award winning Pirate Weekend, enhanced Christmas activities on The Barbican and improved signage across the waterfront area the BID has proved its worth in enhancing the city’s cultural offer. With plans for PWP BID2 to further work with partners to promote Plymouth’s Waterfront and raise the profile of the Britain’s Ocean City brand regionally, nationally and internationally we have a fantastic opportunity to maximise the marketing of Plymouth’s USP and make the most of the opportunities that Mayflower 400 will provide. I am fully supportive of the BID and hope to see the waterfront business community vote in support of renewing Plymouth Waterfront Partnership’s remit for a further 5 years.”
Projects outlined for the next five years by the Waterfront BID2 team include a new digital app, walking trails and a plan to integrate transport, expansion of events across the Waterfront, enhanced planting and waste collection systems, and the bidding for new large scale grant investment including Coastal Communities and Heritage Lottery Funding.
PWP Chief Executive and city Waterfront Manager Sarah Gibson said: “Over the last five years we have worked hard to make the Waterfront area a thriving, vibrant and exciting place, not just for visitors but for the people who live and work in the area.
“From better signage to improved marketing of the Waterfront’s destinations and many attractions.
“The PWP has been a championing voice for the Waterfront and the businesses it represents. We’ve started to make a difference and we would relish the chance to do even greater things over the next five years.
“It’s imperative that everyone realises there is no alternative in place. We’ve more work to do and with the Mayflower 400 commemorations just three years away we’re in a strong position to attract more visitors to Plymouth from around the world.
“Waterfront businesses are being asked to continue to invest 1.5% of their annual business rates for a further five years to help us continue to make a difference. Our five year Waterfront Business Plan lays out twelve key projects we firmly believe will attract more visitors, create attractive places and reduce business costs.
“We’re asking business owners to read and thoroughly understand the Waterfront BID2 Business Plan to make an informed decision as they vote within this crucial ballot to determine the future for Plymouth’s spectacular Waterfront.”
The ballot papers will be returned over the next month with the vote result announced by March 8th.
View the five year Waterfront Business Plan at www.waterfrontbid.co.uk