Drayton donates to help tackle fuel poverty
Local business Drayton has joined forces with Plymouth Energy Community (PEC) to provide free heating controls as part of a campaign to help the most vulnerable people living in the city.
As part of the PEC ‘Healthy Homes’ project, which has been funded by a charitable grant from the British Gas Energy Trust, Drayton has donated over 200 heating controls, worth in the region of £10,000.
The aim of the Healthy Homes campaign is to address the impact that poor housing can have on health, and to help people living in fuel poverty.
As such PEC is working with individuals, referred from local health services, who have existing health conditions exacerbated by the cold or damp. Overseeing the installation of ventilation and heating systems and providing advice.
Clare Mains, Project Manager at PEC, said: “We cannot begin to explain what a huge help this donation from Drayton is and what it means for the vulnerable people of Plymouth, who often have to make the choice between heating or eating.
“It’s not just a donation of goods, their generosity means that the funding we have received can not only be spread further, but that we can also offer the advice and support they need regarding energy efficiency, the correct use of heating controls and what extra support is available for them.”
Over 50 homes have already benefited from the installation of new heating systems, with another 30 planned for 2017.
Al Briggs, Operations Director at Drayton and the team leader for this project comments: “Working alongside PEC ties in with our mission to help tackle fuel poverty. It is a very real issue, which is brought home even more in the winter months.
“We’re delighted to have been able to help with this campaign and hope that we can continue to support PEC and the people of Plymouth in the future.”
Drayton has supplied a selection of its heating products including TRVs, Digistat thermostats and LP controllers, as well as its miGenie smart controls.