Meldon Ward raises funds for a patient activity box
Throughout Easter, staff on respiratory ward, Meldon, organised an Easter raffle to raise funds to purchase an activity box for patients staying on the ward.
In total, over £500.00 was raised and allowed the team to purchase arts and crafts, games, colouring books and much more to benefit those staying in hospital and to keep minds occupied.
Bev Gracey, a Health Care Assistant on Meldon Ward, organised the raffle. She said: “Not all of our patients have relatives, and if they have to stay in hospital for a while, it can get boring for them. As a ward, we decided to raise funds to purchase an activity box to provide a bit of entertainment.
“We approached various companies, asking for donations to put in the raffle and I couldn’t believe how generous everyone was. We had over £600.00 worth of prizes! Because of the success we have had, I would like to do another raffle at Christmas and put the money raised towards televisions for our patients.”
Linda Satterley, Ward Manager for Meldon Ward, said: “Some of our patients have dementia and are with us for quite a while. We wanted to provide everyone in our care with something to do and keep patients minds busy.
“Bev put in a lot of time and effort to organise this and I am very grateful. I am also really pleased that all of the team got on board and worked as a team to promote the raffle to both staff and also our patient’s relatives.”